Saturday, February 12, 2011

Random Babble

So, I am out of things to read again. I have gone through all of the completed Alice/Bella, and Bella/Rosalie fan fictions I can find. I am thinking about going back into my personal archives and reading the B'Elanna/7of9 stories I have stored there.

I went out and got valentine's day things. It felt nice to go out and get them even if it is for friends and not a girlfriend or boyfriend. I'm not going to say what they are but I will update and do so on another post.

There is going to be a collector's edition of Duke Nukem Forever. I am SO getting it. This is going to be the last Duke Nukem game ever and the collector's edition rocks. It also has a certificate of authenticity which means that it is a true collector's item. I already put money down on the normal one so I am going to transfer that onto the collector's edition and then my grandfather is going to pay the rest for my birthday which is in the same month as the game release. Yay! By the way the collector's edition is officially called "Duke Nukem Forever Balls Of Steel Edition".

It is six days until the end of the HGTV Dream Home 2011 Sweepstakes. I have been entering into it almost everyday for the past month. It would be awesome to win it but I am not holding my breath.

Despite the fact that I grit or grind my teeth on and off all day I am only going to be wearing my guard at night. Simply because I like to sip on sodas, juice, and tea all day. I can't have any of those things with the guard in.

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